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Linked In Data Stolen And Sale On Dark Web

  The data of 70 million  LinkedIn users has been stolen and  offered for sale on  Dark website: As we all know, there are many application...

 The data of 70 million  LinkedIn users has been stolen and  offered for sale on  Dark website:

As we all know, there are many applications in the world today that help us to do a lot of work. There are many such apps available on the Play Store, be it Twitter or Instagram. We use all these applications according to our needs and I also have a lot of private things. We have data that we don't want to share with others, but sometimes our data gets leaked due to some technical glitch which causes us a lot of problems.

Today we are going to talk about an application which is very popular all over the world. This application has proved to be very useful for the users as it keeps getting many job related updates. The name of the application is Linked In. Linkedin is a software in which we find our jobs and with the help of it many people have got jobs and similarly small startups you also do your job so that they can easily find staff.

Many users have created their account in this application in which they have put all the information from their studies to work in their account. If there is any problem due to any technical glitch then our All the data can be known to others which will cause us a lot of problems in the future, so we should provide only as much information as we can and don't upload more personal things on it.

Stolen Data:

According to a recent report, the data of this application has been stolen and the Dark website is being used to sell it. According to this, the data of 70 million users has been stolen. Now we don't know if it is true or false but if it is true then the data of many people has been stolen and all those worries may happen in the future. Social media platform Ring data of 700 million users There have been reports of leaks, including up to 92% of users' phone numbers, conversations, salaries and other important information. Has also made the stolen details available for sale on the Dark website, although King Inn has denied claims that its preliminary investigation has revealed that no user details have been made public. The said data has been extracted through network script, the company is further investigating the matter.

According to a report the first online privacy resource center to report data theft, Sir Receiver Price in Hindi. It also claimed that the Google portal had contacted hacker, who told them that the hackers had accessed the data through their API, but could not find any clues. Cyber ​​experts say that accessing someone's data through this corrupt network is also a violation of the company's privacy policy, and cannot be ignored. This company is responsible for the protection of any kind of consumer data.

Experts have advised all Link users to check their account and also reset their passwords.

  According to the report, even in April, the news that the link got into the hands of 50 million users was in the headlines. Was claimed. At the time the company had rejected the claim, now again such news is a concern among consumers.

This year, there have been two incidents which have caused a lot of concern among its users and its users are also declining as the risk of user data theft is increasing. The company should check its privacy policy in the event of a malfunction in which such data is being stolen or it may not cause significant damage to the company in the days to come. 

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