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Facebook is trying to launch his own news platform “Bulletin” soon

  According to Mark Zuckerberg, the authors will be paid financially for this article. Currently, services will be launched with American ex...

 According to Mark Zuckerberg, the authors will be paid financially for this article. Currently, services will be launched with American experts

as we all know that Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world on which millions of users live daily. Everybody uses Facebook. There will be people in the world who do not use Facebook. Even small children are active nowadays by creating their own account on Facebook. 

CEO of Facebook:

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently announced in an audio conference that Facebook is officially introducing it's news platform Bulletin. He said that in some years there has been an increase in the number of people working independently who are reaping financial benefits through direct contact with their readers. We are also launching our own platform bulletin with an aspect in mind.

Useful for:

He said that this platform will be especially useful for freelance writers. Facebook will pay all writers who become part of the platforms for their writing. Zuckerberg added that there would be no reduction in platform members' fees, nor would the company contribute to their earnings, and that their content would be theirs.

Facebook says the platform is currently being launched with US research , but the building site will be available worldwide. Attempts will be made to include more international names after various stages of testing. The bulletin will initially include a limited number of well-known authors in its beta version. It will be fully released in a few days and will then be available to all.


According to Reuters, Facebook announced in April that it would spend $5 million to recruit independent local journalists to write on its new platform. It has also been claimed that Facebook has partnered with millions of experts in various fields, including entertainment, science and health, to launch the service. According to sources, Facebook plans to partner with more experts in the future, including well-known writers who focus on local news.

It has been reported that users will not need a Facebook account to subscribe to the bulletin's newsletter. It will be a separate platform and will not be integrated into Facebook. However, Facebook has not made it clear whether there will be any fees on the platform in the future or whether it will always be available for free.

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