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Russian teenager tie themselves to helicopter with sellotape stunt

This stunt man was not using anything and safety, helicopter pilot's license has been suspended further investigation is being Until anc...

This stunt man was not using anything and safety, helicopter pilot's license has been suspended further investigation is being

Until ancient times, people If they traveled long distances, it would take them several days and sometimes even months to travel from one city to another. But now that the whole variety has been invented, the journey has become much easier. It now takes several days to travel from Mumbai to Delhi by train or call. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. Air travel is also considered very dangerous because of its high speed, which can lead to an accident with a little carelessness, but there are some people who do not hesitate to make this dangerous journey even more dangerous.

A similar case has been reported in Russia. Here, a 25-year-old man has shocked the world by performing an extremely dangerous stunt. The young man stuck sellotape under the helicopter in his new stunt and flew away, With a little carelessness, he could have fallen straight to the ground. If there had been an accident, he would have had little hope of survival, although this did not happen and he landed safely, although the reason for the video Helicopter pilot has been in trouble since.

According to the information, the helicopter was blowing up the friend Alexander of this young man in a storm day. He is a pilot. He was suspended after the video went viral, Anything could have been done with this dangerous stunt. Doing such a dangerous stunt without a letter went unnoticed at the airforce.  Basically this Airman is facing trouble  from russia investigator, right the licence has been canceled. We can see in the viral video that the man is hanging  from a helicopter with the help of a tap only, he is not using any kind of cable and not any other kind of safety. If by chance tap remove from helicopter then man fallen on ground

The man says in one video god gives us only one life so why we fear to lose it we can enjoy every moment, so many people are shocked after watching this video. Some of the people appreciated the man and some people said that it’s the most dangerous stunt and this man is crazy.

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