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jobs that will disappear by 2050

5 jobs Which will Disappear By 2030-50 jobs that will disappear by 2050 -Here we are discussing about the jobs that may not exist in the fut...

5 jobs Which will Disappear By 2030-50

jobs that will disappear by 2050-Here we are discussing about the jobs that may not exist in the future, these jobs are replaced by technology or you can say robotic electrical machines.

As the current situation in the country and other countries are very difficult right now due to the covid-19. Everyone has fewer jobs and less seats at home. Due to the covid-19 so many people lost their jobs, some companies fired their employees etc. Right now everyone work online, due to modern technology and fast internet connectivity everyone is working online. students are studying through google meet, zoom and so many other platforms. 

jobs that will disappear by 2050:

  1. The Cashier

  2. The Truck Driver

  3. Warehouse Worker

  4. Cab Driver

  5. Travel Agent

  1. The Cashier

jobs will disappear by 2050

  • The cashier will be replaced by self checkout. In a bank there is also no need for a cashier in the future because of technology.
  •  There are already lots of grocery stores which have self-checkouts . In near future this will be normal and human labour won't be necessary anymore the only thing that will change is that we will need more security to keep an eye on the customers .This is what happen in the future the cashier will be replaced by the autonomous Technology which will be worked as a counting of cash.

2. The Truck Driver

jobs will disappear by 2050

  • Call now Elon Musk which will launch his electric car and self-driving car in the future. They have successfully tested the car which is self drive. There is no need to be a driver in a car to drive.
  • The truck driver will be replaced by self-driving trucks, artificial intelligence will soon be advanced enough to replace truck drivers. Half of the work of this intelligence will be done and they are worked on continuously to complete their advanced artificial intelligence and as soon as possible.
  • One of the main issues to solve our ethical problems like the trolley dilemma (Will you kill 5 people to save one or save file to kill one in a situation that requires  this decision ).

 Basically most monotonous jobs will be gone within a couple of decades. Disruptions are naturaland can be avoided.

3. Warehouse workers

jobs will disappear by 2050

  • The warehouse which will be  having so many companies to keep their machinery and important cargo to keep safe in a warehouse full of security guards. The warehouse worker will be replaced by the automated robots .
  •  There are already huge warehouses in india, china.usa,uk which don't require average employees anymore.
  •  The robots transport the goods  from one place to another easily. To the charging station whenever they run out of battery and replacement until a jumpsuit to  fill the hole of fully automated.
  •  Human labour is where our house will be gone very soon .

4.Cab Driver

jobs will disappear by 2050

  • As soon as possible cab drivers will be replaced by the autonomous car which was tested successfully last month.
  • Car drivers already have to fight with the over and taxify but long-term they will be hit with the same.
  • Problem as a truck driver self driving Cars on his innovation ready, millions of jobs will be affected. The alone mi company like Tesla and Honda I already in the race soon Apple will be launching its first self driving car in the market and then world will be changed forever 

5. Travel Agent

  • The travel agent will be replaced by the website booking.
  • Everything is online. That's why people are not going to any travel agent to book their train tickets, flight tickets and paying bills. Due to the online Technologies and websites people can book their flight tickets or train tickets from The Homes with the use of mobile phones.
  • When was the last time you visited the local travel agency to book your trip?  This business is already dead. The only people who are still book their location at the local travel agents are your grant parents. The travel agencies will be gone very soon.

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