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kanye west small air bag sold 5 lakh | rapper kanye west

  that have been claimed from the laid plastic bags in the auction is air event location in Kanye West rapper Amadness of a limit, though th...

 that have been claimed from the laid plastic bags in the auction is air event location in Kanye West rapper

Amadness of a limit, though the Americans There is no limit to insanity. Here, a small plastic bag like Zaid can be closed with the help of online law website. Done. It is a very dear and poor place where for Americans it has been bought as insane curiosity and and as a pleasure. There is no ordinary wind in the plastic bag but the wind of a very famous and very successful singer celebrity.

Special about bag kanye west bag sold 5 lakh:

The special thing about this bag was that it was loaded. You would also think that if such a thing happened then it sold for millions Will. In fact, the person who put the bag up for an online auction says that the bag you are looking for is full of DONDA’s air . Now don't ask, is there any of the best natural landscapes everywhere where the wind makes a person immortal? No, this is the place where a few days ago, the America most popular star, kanye west.

Kanye west air bag auction:

In order not to be posted on the website, the person who posted the statement explicitly linked it to Kanye West, claiming that it was from the Air  Donda Drop , claiming that he had gone to see Kanye West's consultant at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta. And from there he has brought it filled in the air bag. He set the price at $ 33 3,330, Rs 2,47,000, rupees and waited for the auction. The line was drawn and gradually its price reached close to seven thousand six hundred dollars or six lakh rupees.

This is not the first time that people have gone to see such madness in the name of the famous American pop star law. Earlier in 2015, an empty plastic bag would be sold at the same online auction site. You will be surprised to know that this bag was sold for Rs. 48 lakhs. This time, however, the price of the bag has reached the gold mark. A special thing is that the person who buys the bag will have to pay four dollars shopping charge. Where else can you find such madness? It proves that not only the people of America but all the people in the world love the evil and are ready to buy everything and everything used. 

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