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A woman Order online food police reached on Home

A delivery boy break road rules, he was arrested, but the police officer delivered the food                                                 ...

A delivery boy break road rules, he was arrested, but the police officer delivered the food


Today becoming All in the 21st century and I'm telling you one Intresting news, online And in the time to come everything will change just as everything will go digital. Man works everything online even PAN card , Aadhaar card is any online application used to create government documents, some even do online shopping to buy to travel from one place to another People used to stand in line and issue tickets when they booked tickets online. Even if you order something online for some food and the delivery boy is delivered to  your home.

After ordering food online, all of them think impatiently waiting for the doorbell to ring through the delivery boy. How would you feel if a police officer's bell rang instead of the delivery boy's? This is what happened to a woman in the United States who had ordered food online and was waiting for a delivery boy when a police officer arrived at the door and she was surprised to see him.

The woman, who lives in the United States, had ordered food for herself online. She was waiting for food when a police officer knocked on her door. Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about the police. The same thing happened to this woman. She was frightened when she saw a police officer at her door instead of the delivery boy. The officer explained to her in the morning and then she went somewhere and convinced him that she was not involved in any legal issue but the officer had brought her food.

  Why did the police have to deliver the food? 

The incident took place on June 30 when the board police department arrested an employee of the online food delivery side for violating traffic rules. When the police found out that the delivery boy was going to deliver the food ordered online to someone, they decided to deliver the food to the woman herself after arresting the delivery boy.

The customer got the food at the right time.

Boy was already arrested for his negligence on the road but the police delivered the food to the woman at the right time. The officer took the woman's address from the delivery boy and took a photo packet of her and left for the woman's house himself and delivered the food to her at the right time. The food delivery officer himself told him that your delivery boy had been arrested, so we brought your food. You don't have to worry, the woman thanked the police officer and took the food. This is Intresting story to happen with a woman.

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