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Newlyweds bride and groom jumped into the sea to celebrate wedding

   Newlyweds bride and groom jumped into the sea | celebrate wedding A bride and groom , a couple in Ireland, went to the beach after the we...

  Newlyweds bride and groom jumped into the sea | celebrate wedding

A bride and groom, a couple in Ireland, went to the beach after the wedding and climbed the hill holding hands and the Newlyweds bride and groom jumped into the sea. The people there were amazed.

Newlyweds bride and groom jumped into the sea to celebrate wedding

The joy of wedding There is a different kind of happiness. The bride and groom are very excited to go out together. However, what the Ireland couple did was not unusual. The couple, bride and groom, dressed in wedding dresses, reached the beach and jumped into the sea as soon as they saw it.

At that moment, everyone on the beach was stunned. According to the British newspaper Daily Mail, the couple was married a few days ago and they went to the beach wearing their wedding dresses and  jumped into the sea.

Bride and groom celebrated in a different way:

The groom's name is Dom and the bride's name is Anita Mccarthy. Their wedding took place a few days ago. On September 5, the newlyweds arrived in Dublin's sand beach. They grabbed each other's hands and climbed on the rock and jumped into the water ( see the images click).

At first people were frightened by this move but then later they found out that they were celebrating their wedding like this. It happened on September 4 and they were celebrating the beginning of their life in this strange way.

Actually they loved each other so much and they decided to make their wedding memorable by doing this. Both bride and groom go on the beach and climb on the rock, then the Newlyweds bride and groom jumped into the sea.

People congratulated them bride and groom:

Anita Mc carthy herself said that they wanted to make this turn in a unique way. That's why they wore their wedding dresses to show that they were celebrating their wedding in this way. People on the beach laughed when they found out about his intentions. People gave them a chance to enjoy the water and people encouraged them.

The couple spent some beautiful moments there and then they both came back. Their picture made headlines after removing the face mask from now on. Congratulations on the beauty of such a body of marriage bride and groom.  Click for original images 

                                    Newlyweds bride and groom jumped into the sea to celebrate wedding


This is a very strange event that happened in Ireland. The bride and groom celebrating their wedding in this way could have cost them dearly or they could have had an accident, but everything went well and they happily Returned home. All the people there were stunned to see what was happening, but when they later found out that they were celebrating their wedding, there were many who laughed out loud. And then later he himself applauded and congratulated them on their marriage. 

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