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step by step on page and off page seo 2021

step by step on page and off page seo   DEFINITION OF SEO: SEO-search engine optimization ( on page and off page seo )  means a set of acti...

step by step on page and off page seo



SEO-search engine optimization ( on page and off page seomeans a set of actions and optimization of all websites to make them more effective and visible on search engines.

step by step on page and off page seo 2021

Positioning on google 1st page must follow step by step on page and off page seo, for example, analyzing hundreds of websites criteria without any financial investment being concluded on google and the site administrator, it’s called organic traffic.

By using SEO step by step on page and off page seo techniques and focusing on the right keyword, the webmaster will generate organic traffic to your site.


Difference between on on page and off page seo:

step by step on page and off page seo 2021

On page SEO

Off page SEO

On page seo will analyze complete website

Off page seo will promote the website

  • Important element for on page seo.
  • Original content, High quality content
  • Internal linking
  • Search keyword-right keyword
  • Mobile friendly
  • Website loading speed
  • Title tags
  • Meta description
  • Url structure
  • Alt tag
  • Site map 

  • Important technique for off page seo.

  • Social bookmarking sites
  • Ads posting
  • Social posting 
  • Article posting
  • Blog posting
  • RSS feed
  • Comment posting
  • Guest posting
  • Backlink

Step by step On page seo:

1.High quality content:

According to your niche, select the topic and research a right keyword, research your competitors website, analyze all the required data for your post, place your keyword in the right place, learn about the step by step on page and off page seo and write your content.


  1. Write your article with your research keyword with seo friendly.
  2. Use on page seo techniques to bring more traffic to your sites.

2 . Internal linking:

Internal link is a link from one page on your website to another page of your website. Both the user and search engine use links to find your website content.


  1. Select one page which has good content and traffic with proper seo.
  2. Select a page which has less traffic, copy the and past on another page.

3 . Search keyword-right keyword:

Identify your target audience, put yourself for your audience and create an initial list of keywords.  Selecting the right keyword and keyword phrases is the most important step for On page seo.


  1. Study the  competition of websites.
  2. Must understand the long tail keyword.
  3. Use some keyword research tools.
  4. And analyze the result.


4 . Mobile friendly:

Mobile friendly SEO is the process of optimizing your website to check that your site looks good and functions properly on mobile devices. When you do mobile SEO, you will provide a greate experience to your audience.


  1. Check mobile friendly websites.
  2. Improve your website load time, click here.
  3. Focus on user friendly experience.
  4. Easy to use for the navigation bar.
  5. Optimize your title tags and meta description.

5 . Title Tag:

Title tag is most important for your website, it’s the first thing a user and visitor sees in the search result. This tag shows the visitor what your page covers on that topic.

6 . Meta description:

It's important because meta description impact on your site appears in the google SERPs and how many users and visitors will click through to your website. Meta description also impacts your traffic and engagement ratio. It’ s also important for perfect SEO strategy.

7 . Url structure:

Url is also important for search engine optimization and also for user experience.

Url helps the web pages to describe the content on the search engine. For creating SEO friendly URL tips are below.


  1. Describe your content.
  2. Include your keyword in the URL.
  3. Use hyphens in the middle of words.
  4. Use Lower case letters instead of uppercase letters.
  5. Keep your URL short.
  6. Use Static URL.

8 .Site Map:

A sitemap xml is a blueprint of your site that can help search engines to find, crawl and index all your site content. It also tells search engines which page of your site is important. Learn more about sitemaps. and generate your website sitemap from sitemap generator tool..

Step by step off page seo:

Off page SEO are the techniques that involve some step to position of your website in search engine optimization results.

Here are some type of Off page seo Techniques:



1 .Social Bookmarking sites:

In the past Blogger used Bookmarking sites, It is one of the best techniques which will promote your website and get the most traffic. 


  1. Select the top Bookmarking sites on google.
  2. Bookmark your website address to bookmarking sites.
  3. Now you will get high traffic.

2 . Ads Posting:

It’s a technique in ads posting websites to gain business affiliate marketing growth and advertise your product. 

Time and money both can be saved with the ads posting technique.  Only one thing we need to do in the proper way is to give  information about your business.

step by step on page and off page seo 2021


  1. Choose the right topic.
  2. Practice your advertisement.
  3. Search and select the top most ads posting sites.
  4. Now post title, description and ads in it.

3 . Social Posting:

Involved with social networking websites is the first step you need to take to improve your audience. If you want to famous your blog, post then engage with the social media platform. After engaging with social media your business automatically increases.

step by step on page and off page seo 2021


  1. Log in different social media accounts like Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin, and Instagram.
  2. Submit your website's URL on social media.

4 . Article posting: 

Writing a good quality of article is one of the powerful techniques in Off page SEO optimization. Anybody who has a good knowledge of article writing on any topic like "Indian crypto currency" and also having skills can increase the audience to your website.

Upload your complete article in a PR submission directory. Before posting your article make sure that your content is high quality and 100% unique.  If you try to insert more keywords in articles or quality less will be rejected sometimes by google.


  1. Write your content with proper title tag and heading and also clean content.
  2. Search free article submission sites on google and upload your article.
  3. Post your article.

5 . Blog Posting:

Blog posting method is the same as an article posting, Only you need to select some topics eg "Indian digital currency 2021" and write a blog content on that. Insert your search keyword in your blog and make sure that your blog is a high quality blog. After doing this all post in the top most blog submission sites.

step by step on page and off page seo 2021

Your blog will reach your audience which leads to a traffic generation. This is the best one of the Off page seo optimization techniques.


  1. Select the topics.
  2. Write the blog post carefully.
  3. Find out most blog submission sites on, Google site.
  4. Post your blog and paste your site URL.


6 . RSS feeds:

RSS is also one of the important Off page seo optimization techniques. This technique helps your visitor to share your content and subscribe. By doing this action on your site you can get more exposure.

Using RSS feeds submission your site can get indexed easily, and it will give you more backlinks. When your visitor subscribes to your feed then they will get notification soon after our sites are updated. This method is mainly used for blogs.

step by step on page and off page seo 2021


  1. Build a feed.
  2. Transfer your feed on your server.
  3. Display your feed on your site.
  4. Display the feed content on your website.
  5. Submit feed to RSS directories and also in search engines.

7 . Comment Posting:

In Off page SEO page optimization Comment plays the most important role. They just post comments for blogs by appreciation or asking their queries.

Comment posting effect on relation between author and readers. Along the relation between author and readers you will get lots backlinks and more traffic to your sites.


  1. Search on google top blog and websites.
  2. Select the relevant websites.
  3. Read the blog content completely.
  4. Post a comment and ask them your queries.


Difference between internal linking and external linking:

Main things to be understand difference between internal linking and external linking

 Strategically is the part of on page and off page seo. This type of links has place as a strategic SEO aimed to boosting your position on search engine results on google, and google bot crawl your site immediately.

step by step on page and off page seo 2021

Internal links-

Internal links are like one page is links on the same domain of another page of the same website.

They are mostly used in main navigation.


Advantages of Internal linking:

Internal linking is valuable for your content as well as SEO strategy. Below are some advantages of developing and doing internal linking.

  1. With the help of internal linking improve usability through anchor texts.
  2. Internal linking helps bloggers to spread the link juice.
  3. Internal linking boosts bloggers page views.
  4. Internal linking improves websites page rank on google results.
  5. Improves time on websites with internal linking.
  6. Internal linking helps to google crawl and indexing blog posts.

External Linking:


The links that are used on your site's page from another website. Or if other website links to your site are known as backlinking.

If other websites link to you, this method is considered as an External Link to your site.  Same as if you link out to another site, this method is also considered as an external link.


Advantages of External Linking:

  1. External linking will increase your Domain authority, which measures your site's backlink profile. If other websites link to your websites it will boost your ranking on google search engine.
  2. External linking improves your website's credibility.
  3. External Linking helps search engines, Google and Bing to understand your articles.



Paid SEO and Unpaid SEO:

On page and off page seo and Paid SEO and unpaid SEO are strategies that website owners drive most traffic from search engines like Google to their websites.

Being visible at the top rank of the search engine result is the perfect way to attract more visitors and customers.

The most clicks to a website happen when your site is on the first page of search engine result, here are two main ways to get your website to top of search engine result are search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO).

Search Engine Marketing (SEM):

step by step on page and off page seo 2021

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) involves different kinds of strategy and process of adding ads to gain visibility in SERPs (Search engine results pages).

When we talk about SEM, people refer to PPC ( pay-per-click) or basically paid search.

To gain more visibility on search engine results by buying ads. Google Ads should be your first priority.


For creating paid ads involves 3 step:

  • Research top keyword
  • Create ads and assign your keyword.
  • Set a budget and target your audience/ customers.


step by step on page and off page seo 2021

Search engine optimization (SEO) or unpaid SEO:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  is one more  part of search engine marketing. SEO optimizing your content and your website to make it rank on top in the organic search results.

If you don’t want to pay for ads to show directly then you need to invest a lot of time and effort to write high quality content that deserves to rank on top of google search engine  results.

You need to on page and off page seo.

I hope this step by step on page and off page seo will help you and you will rank your website on first page of google search engine.

On page and off page seo-   Frequently Asked Question:

Q.1 What are the examples of off page SEO?

Ans-  social Bookmarking, Ads posting, Content Marketing, Commenting, social posting, guest posting, article posting etc.

Q.2 What is off page seo?

 Ans -  Off page SEO are the techniques that involve some step to position of your website in search engine optimization results.

Q.3 What are types of SEO?

Ans-  there are 4 types of SEO

  1.      On page SEO
  2.      Off page SEO
  3.     Technical SEO
  4.     Local SEO

Q.4 How do I get seo backlinks?

Ans-  Find backlink opportunities with top referrals sources.

  •          Use Outbound links to form partnerships.
  •          Use google search console you will get more backlinks.
  •          Find the broken links to make Backlink.

Q.5 What is a good on page seo score?

Ans -  the score you should aim for is 30 to 40. Important to that is to remember the domain authority.   



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