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Social Media Dangerous for Human, Reports 2021

  Globally, social media is having far-reaching and irreparable effects on the overall behavior of human beings, of which there is still no ...

 Globally, social media is having far-reaching and irreparable effects on the overall behavior of human beings, of which there is still no complete knowledge.

In a study published in the United States, scientists have revealed that social media is having a far-reaching and irreversible effect on the overall behavior of human beings globally, which is not yet covered in the full album. The study, published in The National Academy of Sciences of the United States, involved 17 researchers, ranging from philosophers to meteorologists. 

The study says that billions of people are in constant touch with each other today because of social media like Facebook, Instagram, twitter. How it is changing the behavior of human society, its impact on human survival and the environment is largely unknown. These politicians have stressed that social media is dangerous for the survival of human society and needs to be researched.  

researchers wrote that this situation has brought with it the same problems as the environmentalists and biologists had seen when the environment and The stability of the land system was severely threatened. According to the researchers, in such a situation, environmentalists and geologists have to sound the alarm bells to understand the dangers posed to the environment, to quickly arrive at the facts and to make arrangements in light of which To be prevented from becoming unstable.

According to Reports:

This study points out that human society is currently facing similar threats. How social media is changing in the current era and there is no research on them. According to experts, in such a case, no one knows what measures they have taken to prevent the catastrophe. The epidemiologist involved in the study told the American website that the terms and information used by social media and the Internet technology thing have reached people and the way to form an opinion has changed.

rapidly is that it is really the way to becoming the new technology's world but losses are also much more we can not ponder Are found on all of them. The way new smartphones are coming into the market, there are new games hitting the market which is awakening the interest of children to play it which is having a very bad effect on the eyes of children a few years ago, It didn't happen when there were no mobile phones for videos. All the children could easily play outside their house but due to the way technology is being invented, their childhood is also being taken away from them. We should consider this and keep our children away from technology or say that technology should be used for video games or other thing for some time no all the day.

Due to the pandemic situation  that took place in 2020, everything went online, which made people sit at home and do their work, then the children sat down to study,

everything went online, because of this, a lot of human life. Has had a bad effect. In colleges, online lectures started taking place. From now on, people would sit around 24 hours a day with their mobile phones and attend lectures in online classes. Because of this, their eyes were greatly affected.

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